Does Google Ads Work in 2021?
So This is a very interesting question and we are going to be brutal and too the point. Yes Google Ads may be completely wrong for your business. It is great for Google but most likely it will cost you a lot more money and wont even pay for itself.
Now before I continue I will let you know I have done all the Google Ads training and accreditation, I have used Google Ads hundreds of times for my own businesses and for other clients. I have done paid courses in how to get the most out of Google Ads Campaigns and have called, spoke to and worked with Google Ads staff who for the most were all very helpful and professional.
The biggest benefit of Google Ads and it is a massive benefit is that it will get traffic you your website or to a specific page on your website very quickly. This is very powerful as traffic can sometimes equal money in the bank. The second massive benefit is that it targeting visitors based on their demographics and targeting keywords means that the traffic you are receiving is extremely relevant to your business goals. This all sounds amazing wow!!!! Now for the big huge problem.
It is just way too expensive. The cost of gaining traffic in the vast majority of occasions will exceed the revenue the traffic will deliver. In short it will cost you more money to run Google Ads than it will make your business money. So who is the winner here? Google is the winner and they are winning big. They are making over 85 Billion Dollars a year with Adwords.........that 85 BILLION!!!! Yes Google loves their advertising platform and will do everything they can to get you to use Ads and convince you that it is great for your business.
It gets better, if you want more customers and more business it will just encourage you to keep spending more money with Ads and keep increasing your budget. Now Ads does have a place. If you have a high value product or service where the retail price is over $1000 then Google Ads might actually work for your business because all you need to do it make one sale and it could pay for all those visits sent to you via Ads but if you have a business selling a product costing $10 or $50 or even $100 then it may end up costing you more money than it is worth. So what should you do?
Firstly stop using Ads. You will save money but the objective is not to save this money, it is to use it for other marketing. I would defiantly encourage you to invest in promoting your business and driving traffic to your site via Social Media or SEO. Now I hate Social Media, I think it is over-saturated and fake but it will like Ads send very targeted traffic to your website and is much more cost effective. Money spent on Social Media Advertising will also help grow you Social Media profiles which in turn helps with your branding, word of month and online credibility/authority. Google Ads does none of this. In fact when you turn off your Google Ads campaign it is over, the lights go off. Nothing, just emails from Google encouraging you to spend more money.
We would also encourage you to spend money on quality Local SEO. Again approach this with some caution as a good SEO company will never guarantee results and may never deliver so it could be seen as a "fugazi" smoking mirrors. When we work on a clients SEO we only work on it for a minimum of 4-5 months, making a genuine and valid attempt to set up their SEO Foundation so we can show the benefits. It is a much more honest approach. So our genuine advice would be to stop consider alternatives to Google Ads. Spend your money long term on SEO but again be careful who you work with and invest heavily in Social Media Marketing.
So How Can You Make Google Ads Work for your Business?
It starts with contact us. We have proven to be successful time and time again. Are team have international experience and are better than people in Bali who claim to be Google Ads experts and are a complete joke. If you have $250 per month to pay our fee will will help you. That's what it will cost for your campaign to be a success and you will need to pay Google for your advertising in addition to our fee.